Wellington Acroyoga Masters Sessions– Sat 24th, Sun. 25th Jan. 2015

by Jan 12, 2015

wellington flyer

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A Practical View of Yama – Pt 1 Ahimsa

The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama. This consists of 5 parts; ahimsa; satya; asteya;...

Guruji — Still my Guru?

The Full Moon we just had on 16th July marked Guru Purnima and Guruji's birthday. This year like...

2015 – A Good Year, and Post Surgery Yoga Recovery

With Christmas just around the corner I have found myself reflecting a little on the year that is...

Peter Sanson Workshop 22nd – 26th July

Peter missed his March workshop with us due to the Covid rahui. We are pleased to announce that he...

My Knees Hurt – Pain in Ashtanga Yoga

I have blogged about this subject before, but this is the time of the year when I seem to get a...