Transformational Breath Workshop 1-4 pm Sun. 28th Feb.

by Feb 3, 2016

RBP - Helle (5)This introductory workshop explores your unique breathing pattern and how it reflects the way you see yourself and the world. Experience a dynamic breathing process, hands-on bodywork, and one-on-one guided support from two internationally recognised facilitators. Helle & Line.

You will experience, relaxation, clarity, joy and a renewed sense of vitality. Just by changing the depth, rate and rhythm of your breath, subtle shifts begin to happen in your health, attitude and outlook on life. All so simple and can be practiced in your everyday life.

Sunday, 28th February at Te Aro Astanga Yoga. 1 – 4 pm.

Investment; $65.

Booking Essential. Book here or ph. 021 0272 2362 email


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