5 Mysore Mornings with Peter Sanson — Wed. 17th to Sun. 21st March 2021

by Feb 25, 2021

We are so lucky at Te Aro Astanga that we get to host Peter Sanson for 2 workshops every year. Peter holds the highest Teaching Certificate from KPJAYI and his workshops are very popular both in Aotearoa/NZ and Internationally. If you are interested in experiencing Traditional “Mysore Style” Ashtanga Yoga, delivered in Peter’s unique, gentle and humurous way, then come and join us. Everyone is welcome, from Beginners to Advanced, just come.

Start times 6 or 6.30 am on Wed. to Fri. and 7.30 or 8 on Sat. and Sun. Please state your preference when you book

Cost is $135 for all 5 sessions or $30 per session. If you have yet to experience one of Peter’s workshops then contact Mike now. Booking essential for this workshop

Email Mike: info@astanga.co.nz

Xmas Hours

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