An Interesting Year in Review 2024: Yoga, Te Reo Māori, and Personal Reflections

by Jan 14, 2025

Te Aro Astanga Yoga in 2024: A Year of Growth and Community

A year in review 2024. Te Aro Astanga Yoga has had a steady rather than spectacular year – just the way I like it. Teaching only in the mornings has been great for me, as it means I have the energy for other things. My morning crew is fantastic, and it’s always a pleasure to be with them. Huge thanks to Becs, Guadalupe, Jen, and Sophie for their extra help during the year. You guys rock!

The Sunday Led class has been really well-supported this year. A few times, I’ve had to squeeze people in a little, but there’s always been enough room. I love the energy when the room is full! The Zoom broadcast of the class has maintained a keen half-dozen or so participants, and I’ve managed it with only the occasional glitch.

I’m still looking for opportunities to rent out the Shala space when it’s not in use. While there’s been piecemeal usage, my ideal would be something steady and more permanent. If you have any suggestions, let me know. It seems a shame for the space to go unused for so much of the time.

a year in review 2024

Personal Practice: Challenges and Resilience in Yoga

2024 was an up-and-down year for me with my practice. I spent much of the year dealing with rotator cuff issues. Just as I successfully rehabilitated it, I fell off a footstool I shouldn’t have been standing on and damaged it again. Back to square one, but it’s slowly coming right. These challenges have meant modifying my āsana practice, which I always view as a valuable learning experience.

This year, I also committed to studying Level 3 and 4 Te Reo Māori full-time. To fit in practice, I often woke up at 3:30 am to head to the Shala, dress the lingam, chant to Lord Shiva, and do some āsana. By year’s end, I was ready for a break and have been enjoying sleeping in over the holidays.

As I move into the back half of my 60s, my āsana practice has become less of a major focus and more of a foundation. After 30 years as a dedicated Ashtanga Yoga practitioner, I feel it’s okay to relax a little.

Te Reo Māori

Embracing Te Reo Māori: A Full-Time Journey in 2024

This year, I decided to study Te Reo Māori full-time at Whitireia in Porirua. As someone with Māori heritage – or rather, as someone who is Māori – I’ve always had the desire to learn my language. 2024 was the year I got serious about it. Traveling to Porirua four days a week to study was full-on, but I loved every minute. I’ve now passed Level 3 and 4 Te Reo Māori and was jointly awarded a very special taonga at the end of the year. (See picture.)

I still have a long way to go to feel comfortable conversing in Te Reo, so the journey will continue in 2025.

In Memory: Honoring Lives and Legacies

The end of 2024 was a sad time, with the loss of three people who had meaning in my life.

The first was my uncle, the last of five brothers on my father’s side. Though we weren’t particularly close, I always enjoyed his company. His funeral in Kaitaia was a chance to reconnect with cousins, even under sad circumstances. We’re all coming to the realisation that we’re now the senior generation.

A Year in Review 2024
The biggest shock was the sudden death of my Paramaguru, Sharath Jois, on 11 November. I first met Sharath in 1994 during my initial trip to Mysuru to study with Guruji. Over 30 years, I developed a deep bond with him. He went from a shy young Brahmin boy to the gracious, confident head of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga lineage. His passing has left a huge hole in the community. I was fortunate to travel to Mysuru to celebrate his life and will continue teaching with respect for the method he upheld.
year in review 2024

Lastly, I received news of Joan Sanson’s tragic passing in a car crash. Joan was Peter’s mother and someone I got to know during my Gisborne days. Her hospitality and legendary cooking were unforgettable. Attending her funeral reminded me of the depth of her life beyond being a Kiwi farmer’s wife. It was a privilege to have known her.

I do hope I’m done with funerals for a while.

Looking Ahead: Yoga Retreats and Opportunities in 2025

I’ve been a fan of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels for many years. One of them mentions an ancient curse: “May you live in interesting times.” It feels like we’ve been living that curse lately. Despite the challenges, I remain optimistic. Like the Phoenix from the flames, we’ll rise stronger and better.

I’m excited for 2025 and the positive energy it will bring to Te Aro Astanga Yoga. Perhaps it’s because the Shala is turning 25, but it feels like change is in the air. We’ll keep doing what we do with the wonderful support of the TAAY sangham and my amazing wife, Victoria. One highlight of the year will undoubtedly be our trip to the holy city of Rishikesh in North India, followed by the Panch Kedar Yātrā. Bookings are open for the trip, so click here for more information.


Keep practicing, keep smiling, and see you on the mat soon at Te Aro Astanga in the beautiful city of Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

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  1. Elena Cartasegna

    Good to hear from you, Mike. Sending love to you and Victoria from Stockholm ❤️

  2. Sheryn Gieck

    Hey Mike,
    love that the transition to mornings has worked for you and you have life balance to do more of what you enjoy. Big congratulations on your Te Reo Māori journey! I’m on that path also and will have my first day of full immersion at Takiura, here in Auckland. I look forward to coming to practice with you when I am down in Wellie visiting my moko, and depending on how I go, we can have a wee korero together! Love to you and Victoria.

  3. Claire Massey

    Kia ora Mike – so wonderful to read this and hear about some of the joys and sadnesses of your year. The bit about standing on a stool made me smile (in sympathy!). Like you, I am strong and have good balance but occasionally over estimate my abilities. Congrats on the 25th birthday from me and all your other friends at Yoga for the People Wellington

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