Build a Foundation

by Nov 23, 2010

The best attitude to take to your yogasana practice is that you are building a foundation. You want this to be a life times practice, so time is on your side. Build slowly and carefully always aware that you are building something that you want to endure.

Your asana practice is about creating a foundation so that the whole of  Yoga can flow freely into you. This foundation will take more than just one lifetime to complete. Accept this fact. Practice without expectation and with discipline and patience and “all is coming”. Practice with expectations and a sense of wanting to get somewhere, or with a teacher who has this attitude and you will inevitably get ahead of yourself. This leads to many difficulties and disappointment.

What is true for your practice as a whole, is also true for each asana. Start each asana by establishing a steady and strong foundation. Have no expectations for each asana. The only thing certain about every asana is that it will not be the same as the last time you did it. From your steady base, soften into each asana with the breath and enjoy.

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