Welcome to the New Year at Te Aro Astanga Yoga.

by Jan 15, 2011

We hope that you have all had a great start to 2011 and are ready to get back into regular yoga practice. Victoria, Holly, Isla and I have certainly had a good break with 12 warm days at Ohope Beach. We swam every day, ate lots of ice cream, berries, watermelon and sweetcorn, and cycled a bit and played beach cricket a bit. In other words we enjoyed a typical New Zealand summer holiday. I am now looking forward to getting back into the yoga school.

We are open as of Monday 17th January. Please note a few points:
  • Wellington Anniversary Weekend: There will be no classes on Sun. 23rd or Mon. 24th Jan. Our first Sunday Led class will be on Sun. 30th Jan. at 10am.
  • Wednesday Evening Open class 4.30 — 7pm: Late last year I adjusted the time for this class so that I could start the Intro course at 6.30pm. I have decided to move that time back to 7pm. The Wed. Open class will now be from 4.30 to 7pm, with the Intro course following directly after.
  • Wash Your Yoga Mats: I have taken all the mats out of the rack to give you all the opportunity to take your mat home and give it a wash. We usually wash ours in the bath, but have also washed them in the washing machine on a gentle cycle and slow spin. It normally takes at least 3 days for the mat to dry.
  • Lost Property: We still have quite a bit of lost property left from last year. I have put the basket in the foyer, so please take the time to have a look through it and see if you recognise anything. We also have some jewellery on the reception desk at the back of the room, so have a look there as well. Anything unclaimed by the end of Jan. will go to a good home.

Thanks everyone and see you on the mat soon.

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