
by Jun 10, 2011

I had an interesting experience in Padmasana and Savasana today. Quite suddenly in Padmasana I observed the breath as completely separate from my body. In fact, it seemed to me there were 3 distinct entities; my body, my breath, and the me that was observing both. The separation was strongly defined. This experience was repeated in Savasana.

This has induced a certain amount of introspection. My experience of my practice has always been one of integration. There is normally a union of breath and body. Vinyasa seems to strengthen the bond. My body moves to the rhythm of the breath. I have never felt such a strong separation of the two.

The sense itself was not uncomfortable or alarming and 19 years of Ashtanga practice has shown me that all is as it should be. I know it will all be sorted out in the Practice. I will observe with interest what develops….

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