Ayurveda Workshop with Rebecca Simes—17 May 2014

by Apr 30, 2014


Xmas Hours

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Yoga and Covid — What to Believe?

Ever since the emergence of Covid 19 as a global pandemic it seems like I have been inundated with...

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga- No Props, No Blocks

Mike… would you be inspired to write something about (Ashtanga) Yoga and the use of props? Also...

48 Week Slowly, Slowly Method

It has been a great start to another year at Te Aro Astanga Yoga. The energy at this time of the...

A Story for my Daughters and the (Secret) Reason I Practice Yoga

When I was the same age as Isla, my younger daughter. That is, when I was at the magical age of...

A Practical View of Yama – Pt 1 Ahimsa

The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama. This consists of 5 parts; ahimsa; satya; asteya;...