Yoga – It’s Simple Really

by Aug 12, 2010

While teaching my Beginners course last night and seeing some of the students kind of “get it” after just 4 sessions, I had this thought that carried through to my practice this morning. Yoga is a very simple thing. The only time it gets complicated is when you approach it with too many expectations, or if you get ahead of yourself. There is nothing arcane or esoteric about it. It is a practical science that tends to be complicated by people who feel the need to show off their knowledge. Practice without ambition or expectation. Don’t chase the outcomes. Instead let things develop organically and in their own time. Remember that there is very, very little chance that you will achieve samadhi in this lifetime. However, with diligent practice you are certain to achieve a healthy and a happy life. All you have to do is practice. It’s simple, really!

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