Thought for Friday

by May 19, 2011

Everything you can say about Yoga has already been said and everything you can think about Yoga has already been thought. Your Yoga practice is the process of discovering for yourself that Yoga is not saying and Yoga is not thinking. Practice, practice, practice…

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Yoga and Covid — What to Believe?

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First, Master Asana

My Guru, Sri K Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India said to me on numerous occasions “First, master asana, then take Pranayama. When you have mastered Pranayama, then take meditation”.

Vande Gurunam Caranaravinde

I had an interesting conversation the other day with a dedicated yoga practitioner and teacher who...

Want to Start Ashtanga Yoga? – A Word of Warning

In the more than 20 years that I have been practising Ashtanga Yoga its popularity around the...

A Story for my Daughters and the (Secret) Reason I Practice Yoga

When I was the same age as Isla, my younger daughter. That is, when I was at the magical age of...