Your Practice- Mysore Style Te Aro Astanga Yoga

Your Practice- Mysore Style Te Aro Astanga Yoga

The Movie I have always taught Yoga in “Mysore Style” classes. Way back in 1994 when I was first assisting Peter Sanson it was in his “Mysore” classes in Gisborne. I have always thought that this was a more traditional way to teach and much better for the student,...

Guide to Yama Part 5 — Aparigraha

Aparigraha is the fifth and final of the Yamas and translates as refraining from covetousness or non-greed. To follow this yama is to live a simple life without over indulgence. This needs to be both in the practical sense of not eating too much or subjecting oneself...

Mike’s Trip to Cambodia

I was going to write a blog about my trip to Cambodia at the end of Sept. and early Oct. but instead I have decided to publish a small selection of photographs from the trip. These pictures were taken on my mobile phone and I am certainly not a photographer, but they...
Gregor Maehle Weekend Workshop

Gregor Maehle Weekend Workshop

VENUE UPDATE: This workshop will now be held at the Te Whaea: National Dance & Drama Centre, 11 Hutchison Rd, Newtown, Wellington.  Timetable: Saturday 25 February 2017 Morning 9.00 – 11.30: Asana class (2.5 hours) (break) Afternoon 1.00...